Sunday, 18 October 2009

Formal recognition.... :-)

Great personal news !!! the Royal Photographic Society as honored me with an Associate Distinction in the field of Visual Art.
What the heck does that mean ?, well, basically I have become an ARPS !
The work submitted was from a year long project using my life drawing background and fine art photography for a figure study looking at the form, balance and symmetry of the human form. I am really pleased to gain recognition with art nude photographic work as it so often gets put to one side as as being somewhat under appreciated as an 'accepted' subject. Also I had recently tried for a similar qualification with work from this project which was not quite so successful, but that's more about the RPS seeing this genre of photography in a different way. I was somewhat reserved about this submission for various reasons but thanks to Roy for persuading me to go ahead.Here is a selection from the full panel of 15 images, they all need to be created and presented to a very high standard and each stand up as a strong image on their own whilst all working together as a collection. The image selection and arrangement is essential for a successful panel which can mean that some of the best images from a session do not 'fit' in the panel so some personal faves were indeed left out - shame but that's the way it goes.

Finally a huge thanks to models Hannah, Holly, Joceline, Justin and John for their creative help ... and their patience !


Anonymous said...

about bleedin' time too mate.
Your work has been an inspiration to me ( and others I am sure).
well done again.

Martin Pettinger said...

Congratulations - Your fine art photography is exceptional. All the best for 2010